Friday, 6 July 2007


It's dark outside, dark in here too... and so quiet. The radio is softly emitting the final notes of a lullaby and it's as if the sounds are swallowed by the darkness, until it's just me and my thoughts.

I hear your breathing, too - soft and steady - just like you. The rustle of your clothes as you shift gears reaches my ears, a sound usually unheard but so clear in the dark telling me far more than my eyes could. Instead they search the road ahead, leaving my ears to care for you.

Drifting along these country roads, the twists and turns are upon us almost before we know it, yet I have no fear... the gentle movements and steady beat never betray the attention you keep, quietly ensuring our safety this night, like so many others.

Even as I turn my eyes from the road, sleepily noting each village we pass, I know I am safe. My thoughts wander and I softly drift to sleep, the lullaby once more reaching my ears as the motions rock me.

As I slumber you smile, hearing the soft snores and gentles gasps as dreams play in my head. Soon this peace will be lost, as the day's events sweep us away - but for now you guide us safely onwards, as we traverse this road together.

I wrote this piece yesterday ready for a writer's group I run online. I love travelling as it allows my mind time to wander and it's just so special at night time when all is quiet and it feels like the rest of the world is slumbering. That is where this piece came from.


Shelby said...

I so enjoyed reading your blog this morning. It is beautiful - both the writing and the design.

take care and happy Thursday :)

Amanda and Tim said...

My apologies for not finding this comment earlier - thank you so much for popping by!